Participation by telephone was a priori non-negotiable point for the Government, however, quick reflexes, warning that the project did not go well in the lower house, the president backed down and, in another appearance for the national chain, with a decision that surprised friends and foes, he had no trouble to announce a ban on these corporations to enter the market for cable television. In this way he played down a strong argument and prominence to the opposition as a whole, while favorably predisposed to the center-left blocks, which ultimately provided the votes necessary for initial approval in general. Members also was modified in the original text of the implementing authority, the variant attenuates the absolute hegemony of the executive, but not fully offset. Ultimately was expanded from 5 to 7 members and no longer depend on the Ministry of Media, but the Chief of Staff. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Shinoda. A body as sensitive as the Enforcement Authority, which will be responsible for allocating licenses, revise and implement the sanctions, for the purpose of ensuring full freedom of information, regardless of who governs the country, this is not should be able to pressure the media or interfere with communication. The law enacted a true aberration remains intact, because it determines that the licensing of air channels and radio stations in cities of more than 500,000 inhabitants shall be determined by the Executive. Nor is it determines the criteria to follow in terms of government advertising, the absence of a serious and strict approach in this regard, it enables the government of the day, drive like total pressure factor discrimination and discretion. .