The Brazilian Dictionary Globe

(Epcuro) Being thus, I consider that the rational animal is the only being of the nature capable to generate, to manage and to manage the corruption, since current acts to the formal education, that it searchs to base itself on the universal values of the person. that this exactly to be until is capable to structuralize and to organize the style of life in the contrahand of the seriousness, that if bases on descompromisso and social desfacelamento, that compactua with the dishonesty demoralizes and, being characterized cases of corruption in the family that had reverberated in all the society. 1. Concepts The Brazilian Dictionary Globe (2009) brings meanings several stop corruption, corrupt and corruptor, words of Language Portuguese, of origin Latin, that is in the daily one of that more the ethics and moral would have to primar for, beyond giving samples of good behavior in the society; parents, educators, professors, leaders, representatives of the norms, executors and judges of the laws of the collective conviviality in the society. Of Latin corruptione, the feminine substantive corruption means the act to corrupt, decomposition, putrefao, demoralization, depravation, lewdness and seduction. It is questioned: the corruption is politician act alone? Of Latin corruptus, the corrupt adjective if relates to that one that corruption suffered, corrupted, spoiled, adulterated, perverted, demoralized, profligate, missed, corrupt language. In relation to this adulteration, it is only equivalent only to the suffered action for the politicians? Of Latin corruptore, /substantivo adjective, that one that corrupts, the changer, deturpador, subordinative person. This attitude is only used by politicians? The social groups family, school, church, club, city, university, state and nation had placed in ' ' berlinda' ' the terms of this semantic field and had forgotten that the personages of this action to corrupt are in the way of us, in the family, the school, the field, the street or the farm, without distrusting that we are citizens also to compactuar for comfort with the formation of the corruption apprentice.