Accessible libraries for all. Thus one calls a new manual published by the Institute of Majors and Servicios Sociales (IMSERSO), in coordination with other organizations that people with incapacity and people work with majors. The publication contemplates to these centers like " institutions claves" for a real integration and it contributes you rule of design and accessibility to construct amiable buildings. Without barriers. " The book and the reading have to be within reach of todos" , it protests.So that a library is accessible has to lack physical barriers and to facilitate the access to the documentation, the goods and the services.
" The book and the reading have to be within reach of all and any barrier for ello" does not have to exist;. This one is the principle from which it leaves to the manual " Accessible libraries for all: You rule to approach the libraries the people with incapacity and the people mayores" , a publication published by the IMSERSO with the aid of the State Center of Personal Autonomy and Ayudas Tcnicas (CEAPAT), the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport, Spanish center of Documentation on Discapacidad (CEDD), the State Confederation of Personas Sordas (CNSE) and Foundation ELEVEN, among others. Each organization has contributed its experience to elaborate a complete manual, that gathers a listing of proposals so that the libraries and the documents are accessible for all the people. Universal accessibility The publication, that makes special emphasis in the public libraries, emphasizes the strong social, educative and cultural component of these buildings. It considers " institutions claves" so that the integration of the people with incapacity and the people majors are a reality. In particular, it pleads for the concepts of universal accessibility and design for all: " The condition that must fulfill the surroundings, processes, goods, products and services, as well as the objects or instruments, tools and devices, to be comprehensible, usable and practicable by all the people in conditions of security and comfort and the most independent and natural form posible".One looks for normalization, the access without barriers.