The Parents

For Rapoport and Piccinini (2001, P. 85) ' ' In relation to the adaptation concept, each context of alternative care has its particularitities, demands and values and if the individual characteristics of the child are compatible with these, then it tends to be perceived more quickly as well adaptada' '. Considering these aspects, the adaptation of each individual must be analyzed first as an only being, with different times for familiarization with the environment and the involved people in it. The adaptation of babies or small children in the day-care center can vary, and last days or months. Another aspect that is changeable cries is it, being that it has some children who present cry constant, already others, exactly not crying and being quiet, they can not be satisfied and from fear that unknown environment.

Therefore one is necessary constant comment in the reactions that the pupil in adaptation phase presents. From the analysis of the studies, Rapoport and Piccinini (2001, P. 92), had concluded that: ' ' Studies suggest that these reactions can be associates with innumerable factors, between them the individual differences of the baby or small child (temperament, age, sex) the quality of the relation that keeps before with the parents and after the separation, the conditions in which the child receives cares, the duration of the separation and degree of the privation, and the feelings and attitudes of pais' '. Inside of these perspectives it is suggested a special care and attention with children in this period of adaptation. The ingression of these children must be possible estressante the least, and is necessary the aid of the parents and professors working in set. This is a complicated period in such a way for children, how much for the parents and educators. It requires effort and time that stops some becomes longer, already for others nor either perhaps necessary.