The power to create Teodulo Lopez Melendez analysts who have held power instituted it as essential to human cohesion. It is potestas and auctoritas. It can be identified with force or authority. However there is a pre-modern paradigm of power and other attributable to the 18th century. That is, the power no longer controlled by instilling fear but through government institutions.
It is exercised by legal means, by way of social consciousness or by way of the historical imposition. Power means, from Max Weber, impose the own volition, even against all resistance and whatever the rationale. Perhaps here comes from the crossing of the concepts of power and domination. or. The power for the Marxists is attributable to the capacity of a social class perform different specific objectives. Hanna Arend considered opposing violence and power. The exercise of power has become so inherently conflictual.
This concept of power has become ineffective. Arend gave his touch when he called it the ability to act in concert. It is what other authors have called power with. What we must destroy is the power as power on. Foucault speaks of a call rather than to an indefinite series of horizontal distributions of power. Obsolete institutions crisis may lead to the end of the absolute horizontalism, but it is clear that the total lack of organization does not work, what can rethink authoritarian times in response to the disorder. In turn, disregard justified by the leaders may give rise to the emergence of what has been called the power of the social framework, one not belonging to one who has it but the people that gives it or remove it. We can not extend the concept of power of modernity to post-modernity for a very simple reason: the man is not only a depositary of rights but an empoderador that manages. Foucault is the closest contemporary who has held power. We have already seen how speaks of horizontal distributions. Indeed, the vertical power is resisted by a network of networks in the present era of technology that coadyuga to the replacement of a society informed by a connected society. The identity between power and dominance has led to this harmful paradigm of power as power on. The traits of power challenged by a culture which invokes the intellect to empower themselves in overlapping with others of the historical now points to the new paradigm of power as being able to, one that we can be defined as the power as a right of creation. original author and source of the article.