‘ ‘ Welinton Dos Santos When we speak of an ideal, we do not perceive that the gratitude to the parents is essential our prosperity. This week where if it commemorates the day of the Parents would like to say some words for reflection, joy and love. All human being to have success, needs to have pride of its roots. Exactly incompreendido for many the parents they want optimum for the children, to the times exaggerate, although everything they simply love in them, for more rustic and distant who seem, this is the truth. Fight, quarrels happen in the relationship of the generations, probably between you and its father, as it with the father of it, in the conflict of new times, as a noise of the communication, but a thing is very important to emphasize, most of the time, was exclusively in the intention of your defense. I know people who argue with its parents and are until years without talking.
I ask: what you earned with this? Father is the genitor, is the root of our existence, after all if we are here we must thank it, without remorsos or you blame, therefore to find culprits for disagreements, lacks of responsibilities you are welcome will help in the life. Exactly that they are not more gifts in our life, we must pray and thank them, so that the parrots of the success beat our door. Already I even heard some histories that had brought hurts, with some reason, but the moment is another one. You who are having the chance to read this article, remember that the education, the values, the teachings, the chances had been different for each one, therefore instead of judging, create positive a mental attitude and assist you and all its family. All the family? Yes! When we harmonize and we feel gratitude our parents, a world of accomplishments happens in our life.